Wednesday, November 2, 2011

The Benefits of Bathing in Luxury

Everyone likes to take showers these days. Showers are quick and efficient for us people on the go. In our rush to get our daily tasks accomplished we rush through our day of work, our chores and errands just trying to get everything done. In these times of instant coffee, instant microwaved food and just plain instant gratification it is good to take a moment to slow down. I'm speaking especially to the mothers and fathers out there who juggle busy "day activities" on a regular basis. Sometimes the needs of one can outweigh the needs of the many. When is the last time you stopped to ask yourself; "How are you feeling?" "Do you need anything?" and really stop to address your own personal needs. If you seriously take take a moment to think about it, you probably have neglected you once to often.
I'm here to remind you that "Luxurious ME Time" that is well deserved is located right in your home, right down the hall.. It's that door on the right/left that is called the bathroom. Your bathroom can become your personal sanctuary if you take a moment to make it so. The requirements of a "Modo Bath" are simple and interchangeable to suit your needs.

Direction for a proper Modo Bath:

  1. Have a minimum of 25-40 minutes undisturbed just to soak away your day, swing shift, or night to release the stress and the mindless chatter bouncing around in your brain.
  2. Fill your tub with comfortable hot water to ease the pinned up anxiety and tension out of of your tired and achy muscles.
  3. Most in important. It's time for the real treat! Toss in a Bath Bomb to add some aromatherapy to your world. Modo Bath Bombs are extremely emollient  and therapeutic for your skin because of their water soften properties and oils that will nourish moisturize your skin and lift your spirits! Once the aromatic oils combine with the steam of your bath you will have your own spa-like experience going on right in the comfort of your own home!
  4. Cover your eyes! You've seen enough.. Place a warm wash clothe over your eyes or even a bath a cooling bath mask. Place some cucumber slices under there over each eye to kick it up a notch.
  5. Dim the lights or add an aromatherapy candle.
  6. Add music. Your favorite songs will lighten your mood, and give your room to think about more important things like you. If you prefer silence.. That's great too " I hear it's "Golden" LOL! 
  7. Take time to meditate. Things become clearer when your mind is quieted.. If you are looking outside of yourself for answers in this moment of peace you may find the answers will come from within.
  8. Last but FAR from the LEAST Remember to "Treat Yourself Well, It's Your Life!"

The benefit of bathing in luxury is a instant reprieve.
So for future reference make time for a bath. It may take more time to take a bath than you are use to with a shower but when it comes to making time for yourself and adding a little inexpensive luxury to the mix there is no time like the present.  Think of it as a "Present" to yourself.
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With Love,
Modo LLC